Our services

Water Treatment

Generation Maroc Technologie supports you in turnkey water treatment projects, from the study phase, design, and construction to commissioning, operation, and maintenance.

Our Expertises

GMT has accumulated significant experience and expertise in the field of water to provide sustainable and innovative solutions for the complete water cycle. This includes addressing the pressing issue of water resource scarcity through the establishment of large desalination plants, drinking water treatment, wastewater purification and reuse from urban and industrial discharges, as well as hydraulic infrastructure for storage and pumping.

Seawater Desalination

Desalting seawater is an effective way to combat water stress. Membrane treatment desalination is carried out through reverse osmosis, a process that involves pushing water under high pressure through a membrane that retains up to 95% of salt particles and 99% of impurities.

GMT is involved in the entire desalination process, integrating all process components: HTA/BT electrical supply, variable speed drives for HP pumps, MCC panels, automation and supervision, remote management and instrumentation, …

Projects completed: Laayoune Desalination Plant, Safi Desalination Plant.

Wastewater Treatment

To support communities in their sustainable water management policies, GMT offers a variety of technical solutions for the reuse of purified wastewater. This helps increase the available resource at a lower cost, particularly useful in regions affected by water shortages and drought.

GMT is involved in the entire treatment process (activated sludge/biofilters), integrating all process components: HTA/BT electrical supply, MCC panels, automation and supervision, H2S and CH4 gas detection, remote management and instrumentation, …

Projects completed: Boukhalef-Tanger activated sludge treatment plant, Safi pretreatment station.

Pumping Stations

A pumping station is essential for distributing water in an irrigation or drinking water network. It is a facility that moves a liquid, typically water, from a low point to a high point through a network of pipelines. This type of equipment is necessary when it is impossible to supply a reservoir with water by gravity alone.

GMT is involved in the entire process of building pumping stations, integrating all the components of the station: HTA/BT electrical supply, MCC panels, automation and supervision, remote management and instrumentation, etc…

Projects completed: Floating pumping station at Oued El Makhazine Dam, Aoulouz Dam pumping station, drinking water pumping station in the Lakhyayta Had Soualem industrial zone, …

Drinking Water Treatment

Water treatment is a crucial element of the hydraulic distribution network to provide safe and potable water to populated areas. This involves extracting and utilizing this resource from groundwater, lakes, and dams.

GMT is involved in the entire process of drinking water treatment, integrating all the components of the process: HTA/BT electrical supply, MCC panels, control panels for sand filters, automation and supervision, remote management and instrumentation, etc…

Project completed: Martil-Tetouan Dam Drinking Water Treatment Plant.

green energy 26-900
green energy 21-900

Energy Efficiency for Water Cycle Management

In a context of rising energy costs, declining fossil fuel resources, and tightening regulations, we are implementing numerous solutions for energy efficiency. Today, a significant number of the plants we manage are 100% energy self-sufficient.

To enhance the energy efficiency of the entire water cycle, we ensure:


    Reducing and controlling energy demand


    Optimized operation and maintenance of facilities


    Production of green energy and its marketing